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How to Improve catwalk

If you want to enter the runway modeling in fashion world then you have a perfect catwalk.

Akimbo Models give training to improve your walk in live or in practical mode.

Our experts give you some tips to improve your walk.

Choosing the perfect shoes. Comfortable Shoes / heels are the basic requirement in runway modeling. Before choosing heels for you must insure heel are fixed properly, balanced and comfortable.

Perfect Runway Shoe

Perfect Runway Shoe

Perfect Runway Shoe

Perfect Runway Shoe

Perfect Runway Shoe




Stand like Supermodel: – while giving a posture in front of public your shoulders back & pelvis slightly forward. You can practice in front of mirror or with you friend / partner so that you can give your best.

Stand Like super Model

Stand Like super Model

Stand Like super Model

Stand Like super Model

Stand Like super Model





During catwalk: – when you practice for the catwalk your Toes must facing forward & footprints should follow a single line it like as if you walking one single rope. When you do practice for this and do this walk quickly then your body gets characterized swing.

While walking makes sure that you step look long & commanding.  For every step while in walk your lift your foot with a good distance from the ground (with little bend in knee) and then put it down with a good distance in front of supporting leg. Never make you steps looks too large as this will give uncomfortable & graceless look.

On ramp look straight forward, with expression on your face of what you wearing in fashion show. While you walk look straight (Never stare at the crowd or viewer who are sitting). Your eyes are little up and with down. Never swing your upper arms, and try to keep look natural look.  When you are on ramp keep your head still as body will move down at runway.

During catwalk

During catwalk

During catwalk

During catwalk

During catwalk





Finger Position: – your fingers will hang straight down. You can shake your hand before every round on runway.

Balance on Heel: – you can place a ball on your foot and try to balance on single foot with heel. Try to sit & stand up exercise with heels.